Thursday, December 5, 2013

MUSINGS of a BROKEN spirit and a BROKEN heart

My spirit is broken.

As THE bar exams are fast approaching, the fear and anxiety are becoming increasingly strong.

The voice inside my head telling me "you'll never reach it" it's becoming louder and is finding so many reasons to discourage.

That voice almost won me over. Until I remembered the joy and fulfillment I found as I imagined the lawyer I wanted to be. The lawyer I WILL BE.

It's not unusual to be scared or to feel inadequate. It's not unusual to make mistakes. It's not unusual to quit.
Fortunately, I've never been "not unusual".

My heart is broken.

God's wisdom in Paul Walker's tragic death eludes me. This especially as I learn of so many stories of his generosity and strength of character, his faithfulness. But then again, God's wisdom is not for us to comprehend. But I hope his family finds comfort in the reality that he did not just touch lives he inspired greatness.  I want to know more about how he lived, how he loved, how he reached out to people who were suffering. I want to know my model. If I enter heaven with as many stories of kindness as he does, I'd say my life had been well lived.