Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Deconstruct to Reconstruct

Remove your "definitions" of yourself. Definitions breed limitations.

Only now do I understand fully what a law professor once said, "here in the College of Law, we break you so that we can rebuild you."

Yes, sometimes we need to be rebuilt. Especially when we've gone on for so long on our own, and so far off from the path God wants us on.

He needs to remove the old so that the new may come out.

Death is necessary for a resurrection.

Transformation requires the dying of the old.

He strips us of everything that is not from Him and that we don't need for our mission.

And He reveals what is in us that is of Him.

But this process of deconstructing is painful.

But this process of deconstructing is necessary to reconstruct.

And to be deconstructed and reconstructed by the Master's hand is a privilege and an honor.

This process is painful but exciting.

I am forced to question all my life long held beliefs and things I said about myself.

I am forced to break my self-imposed barriers by refusing to "define" myself.

I am more than just a lawyer.

It was a mistake to define myself as someone's girlfriend and I will never let that happen again. In my future relationship, I will be a woman in a loving and committed relationship.

I am not "in between relationships". I am living my life. Pursuing my mission, which includes discovering it.

I am no longer one thing and not another. At the moment though there are things I haven't tried but most likely will, at least once.

Don't get me wrong, my values are very much intact. I know right from wrong. But my guideposts are kindness and obedience to God, everything not contrary to those, I will try.

I will learn how to cook.

I will learn ballet again.

I will learn bookkeeping and manage my own finances.

With God on board, we will create and re-create me.

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